I haven't heard this song in many months. I threw it on just now and a wave of memories came rushing back (which is funny because I was just discussing with someone earlier today how music can be attached to memories and when you hear something in particular it takes you back to an exact time and place in your past). So this song takes me back to living in D Place. I would wake up at 6 something in the morning, hop on my bike, head down NE 2nd Ave through the design district, hang a right onto 36th St, and a quick left on NE 1st Ave into the shops of Midtown. Straight down, past my job at the time, and across the street to Crossfit Wynwood (ignore the fact that I used to Crossfit for a while). It's so vivid in my mind: passing the restaurants such as Buena Vista Deli and Lemoni Cafe, trying to race the morning buses on my bike, the calm of the streets while ASAP flowed through my headphones, etc. I would complete my WOD, reverse route, and get back to my apartment. I miss that place. I'm putting in the necessary work to go back there (well, not back to D Place, but back to downtown). I'm doing well in school, and I graduate with my BSN next year. So one day I'll be back in that area that I love so much. Maybe I'll play this song to celebrate.